From Roots to Willows

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On Idolatry...

I feel like I need to make a confession, and some of you may be able to relate. I am really really good at breaking the Ten Commandments. One in particular.


I would almost consider myself gifted and talented in this area. Throw something out there and I’ve probably made an idol out of it. My fertility specialist? Yep. My phone? Oh yeah, for sure. My follower count on social media? Duh. Times ten. Politicians? Psssshyeah. This one has been the worst for me lately. I have always been passionate about politics, for the simple fact that they are the ones put in place to decide on the laws and regulations that affect our neighbors. Their jobs directly affect “the least of these.” And that gives me plenty of reason to know that politics are important. But after seeing the brutal anger and hypocrisy and fill in the blank _______ from Christians on both sides of the political aisle I had to reign myself in and remember that whether you voted differently than me or the same as me, God made us BOTH.

And what matters more than who’s in the White House is who is in my heart. I can complain all day about who you voted for (and let me tell you I personally only know about three people who I know voted the same as me, so 😬) BUT what am I personally doing to help my neighbors? To love? To bring about righteous justice?! To help the oppressed? To defend the cause of the fatherless & plead the case of the widow?

Scrolling & fuming doesn’t help anyone. I’m working on removing the politician I’ve made an idol of and putting God back where He belongs. Maybe you need to do that too? 🤷🏻‍♀️